Wednesday, October 9, 2013

3. Can't believe it has already been another week.

Hello Family!

Can't believe it has already been another week. I got to go to the temple again today! It was a wonderful experience. The spirit is always so strong. This week me and my companion have been working diligently every day trying to learn new words in the language. With endless practice some of the stuff is making a little sense! haha I am feeling vary hopeful that when the time is right and if I do all that I can do the lord will bless me.
      While listening to the conference this weekend I felt that every single talk had to do something with missionary work. It was the most amazing thing to feel like every word coming from the speakers mouths were meant just for me. One of my favorites was of course by President Uchtdorf, when he talked about his skying trip and how he fell and could not get up alone. It reminded me of the time when I was at the park and I couldn't get up the ladder to get to the slide and I kept falling over and over again. I think back on that story and the words of President Uchtdorf and it brings me hope to know that no matter how many times I fall down I will only fail when I quit.
      So I am determined that no matter how hard I fall i will get back up and try harder the next time. Just about everyday me and Elder Brogan have the opportunity to teach a lesson to an investigator, and although it is not real I have found myself feeling this great desire to convert them to the church again! Our last lesson was the best we have taught yet. All we talked about was God being our Heavenly Father and Families, but as we taught I felt the spirit so strong even though I could not say the words to make the message perfectly clear. But from that experience my testimony of the power of the holy ghost has been strengthened. I truly know that if I am going to be a good missionary I am going to have to rely fully on the Holy Ghost.
      If you get the chance you should try and find a talk by Elder Holland given to the missionaries about the atonement. watch the video! It is the most powerful talk I have ever heard in my life and motivates me to give all I have to the lord. Whenever I am feeling tired or unmotivated to keep studying I think of this talk and all that my Lord and Savior had to do for me so that I could have the chance to return to him. I love my Savior so much and I know that he knows me more then I know myself. I just have to put my trust in him and let him work through me.
      So I met sister Cummings I think was her name, she said that she was in your cast team a few years ago. Does that name ring a bell? 

      Lets see, our district is singing I need thee every hour in Portuguese on Sunday during sacrament meeting this Sunday. haha. The CTM Presidents wife found out that we had people in our district that could sing so she hunted us down. haha it does sound pretty good!

     Well I'm about out of time. I hope to get some pictures to you as soon as i get out into the field.

    I love you all so much!!!!!!

 I know that this gospel is true. It is the coolest thing to be devoted to the one thing that truly matters in this life time. For so long i have worried about school and so many other things that I thought were so important, but now that I am here I have come to realize that there is nothing on this earth more important then sharing the message on the gospel to others. This gospel is truly the only thing that matters and I am so grateful that I am so fortunate to be apart of it.
        I love you all so much and I love looking at the picture of us in front of the temple. I know I have been blessed greatly to have the family that I have. love you again!!!!!!

                                                Elder B Jacobson

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