Wednesday, October 23, 2013

5. "I Need Thee Every Hour"

Hello Family!!!!

I'm so excited to tell you about what has happened this week. First off, I went proselyting in the streets of Brazil!!!! It was so awesome! I could hardly say a word but the Spirit was still so strong with me and Elder Brogan. We handed out four Books of Mormon!!!! So many people here are interested about the church and they know that the CTM missionaries come teaching on that same street often. So one of the people we gave a Book of Mormon to was sitting in a chair by the side of the street holding a sign. We told him about the Book of Mormon and then I bore my testimony to him in Portuguese. haha I don't know if he understood a word I said but when we passed him on the way back to the bus stop we saw him reading it!!!! haha.
Next our district sang "I Need Thee Every Hour" in front of the entire CTM!!! It went really good and I have grown to love that song as I have realized just how much I do need the Lord every hour of my life.  So this Sunday I was asked by our district leader if I would bless the sacrament. It normally would not cause me any stress to bless the sacrament except for the fact that I had to do it in Portuguese. I was terrified!!! Me and my companion practiced the prayer over and over again trying to get me to say the words right. I thought I had it down and then when I said it for real I couldn't get the words out of my mouth the way they should have.

I was kinda embarrassed and just tried to remind myself that I have only been here for 4 weeks. Just as I was feeling better the president presiding over our meeting got up to announce who would be speaking. 
(btw, they don't tell you  who is going to be speaking until you get there, everyone has to have a talk ready to go each week just in case.) Well I had convinced myself that I was safe from speaking since I had blessed the Sacrament.  hahah wrong. My name was called last!!!!
I got up and shared my thoughts on the atonement the best I could. I read Isaiah 1 18 and then shared some thoughts that I had about the atonement written down on a piece of paper. I was planning on sitting down right after that but then I was prompted to bare my testimony and the words just came out. It was simple but it was enough for me to learn that the Lord truly will fill my mouth with words when I need them. I just have to put my trust in the Lord.
Today we went to the temple and after the section Me and Elder Brogan talked to some missionaries that are serving in our mission. They work in the mission office or something like that. They talked to us about the mission and about the mission president (btw, I forgot to mention I saw my mission president at the temple last week).

Yesterday 88 missionaries left the CTM it was so cool!!! And I get so excited that it will be me in just two short weeks. I am going to miss the people at the CTM  however. There is a Brazilian Missionary named Elder Tanchiva, he has adopted me and is now my new twin. Every time he sees me he yells JACOBSON MY BROTHER BROTHER, SEMPRE SEMPRE which means ALWAYS. HAHA  then he gives me a hug and demands that I tell him the name of the church in Portuguese. hahah!!! Its so great!!

I am so excited to go out and do all that I can to share the message with others.

I love you all!!!!!
Ill send you some pictures soon!!!!!


                                                                           Elder B. Jacobson

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