Sunday, May 1, 2016

Another GREAT Week - 5 January 2015

Hello Everyone

What a week!! 

First I started the week going to Sao Bento to do some interviews!! It was great because I got to work with Elder Fletcher who is one of my best friends on the mission!! We had a great time teaching people the gospel and marking baptismal dates!!! At the end of the day I did an interview for one of their investigators that was having a lot of problems!! The interview took two hours and in the end after he passed he still did not want to be baptized!!! But we have faith that soon he will!! 

Me and Elder Flores have been having a blast talking to everyone!!! We have marked a ton of dates and are just having problems getting people to come to church!! But if we are able to get better church attendance out of our investigators, we are going to baptize a ton here!!! 

This week on Wednesday I had the opportunity to go to leadership council. President Farns gave a great training about positive thinking and the power it has. Then he left and all the zone and district leaders had to make some choices about what would happen in the future!! It involved a lot of missionaries fighting and just being really childish!! I was kind of surprised! The council was not very effective and did not have the spirit. KINDA sad but I still learned a lot!! 

Me and Elder Flores have been working a ton this week to meet some high goals. Sadly I got sick with the flu this week so it kind of messed us up a little bit. but we still got a ton of lessons in. 

Yesterday we had a meeting with the mission leader and he talk a lot about D&C 4!! The field is white  and ready to harvest!!! 

So what happens if the missionaries are not ready or are not finding the people that have been prepare by the Lord? Just like the wheat after awhile it goes bad. So in order for us to have success on the mission we have to learn to do the work the Lords way... we need to humble ourselves and pray to Him always to lead us to the people that have been prepared to act on our words! And we must be in constant search of the Lords elect!! We cant afford to let a person pass us!! We must do everything to find the people that are ready to ACT! 

Well I love you all so much I hope you have a great week!! until next eek 

                                    Elder Bryan Jacobson
some pictures of the week: 

1. my shoe!! hahahahahah don't worry i glued them and they work perfectly
2. my area. this is the city: SOROCABA
3. ME and Elder Fletcher!! 
4. we got rained on 
5. me e Elder Fletcher
6. mesmo 
7. a Texas cup
8. their is a street in the city named after JOA PESSOA!! cool right!! 

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